Raise Your Steak Game : TMBBQ
Posted by test1885 on 16th Jun 2016
Raise Your Steak Game : TMBBQ:

I generally use a grill, but an offset smoker is the best tool for reverse sear. Slow smoking the steak, then finishing it on a small grate placed directly over the coals in the firebox is a rewarding cooking experience and a great show. My Weber kettle works just fine too. I’ve started using a Slow ‘N Sear insert in my Weber that helps keeps the charcoal corralled to one side and also keeps the coals close to the grate for super-heated searing. That requires enough charcoal to fill a large chimney, so I’ve found my PK Grill to be more economical with the charcoal. I can reverse sear four strip steaks on it with a large charcoal chimney just two-thirds of the way full.