
New Year, New Traditions: Limited Time Offers

PK Apple Dumplings by PK Ambassador and 2014 & 2014 World Champion – Dustin Sanders

Posted by Heath Sorrells on 22nd Jun 2017


2 Granny Smith Apples

1 liter of lemon-lime soda

2 cans of crescent rolls

2 stick of butter

1 bottle of Parkay squeeze butter

1 cup of dark brown sugar

1 cup of cane sugar

1 Tsp of cinnamon

Fire up the PK 360 grill and dial the temperature to 325 – 350 degrees. The PK Heavy Duty Charcoal Basket works well here because we are going to offset the fire to the right side of the grill. Open the left top vent and the bottom right vent tube (to allow airflow directly underneath the coals).

When you reach 350 degrees (ideal) adjust your valves as necessary to maintain that temperature.

While your grill is warming up, dice the Granny Smith Apples into small pieces (less than ¼ inch).

Unroll the crescent rolls onto a cutting board.

Fill the crescent rolls with the diced apples and sprinkle with Brown Sugar.

Roll them up and place into skillet (don’t worry if you have left-over apples, just spread them on top of the crescent rolls in the skillet).

Now top the crescent rolls with brown and cane sugar.

Slice your butter into thin pieces (less than ¼ inch) and set on top of the crescent rolls and around the pan.

Add your Lemon-Lime soda until it’s about ¾ full in your skillet. (the crescent rolls will absorb a lot of this during the cooking process).

It is now time to throw your PK Apple Dumplings on the grill.

Keep in mind that we are offset cooking these so Charcoal on one side and Dumplings on the other.

Grill for 35-45 minutes (or until golden brown) enjoy a good conversation with a buddy(s) or just chill until your dumplings are done.